New To Temple?

There Is A Place For You

Welcome to Temple Baptist Church

So many people are hurting today. Individuals are seeking satisfaction in many different vices and pursuing retreat from their hurt, whatever the cost. In this pluralistic society, there is confusion as to which religious road one should take. The primary purpose of Temple and all of her ministries is to exalt the Savior. Jesus clearly explained, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
We desire to help people discover the lasting satisfaction found in Christ. Hurting people come from every ethnic background and every economic level. Christ is the answer, and His word provides practical, unchanging truth that will meet your spiritual needs. We teach and preach the Bible without apology. Sadly, many churches have changed their services from a Biblical worship service to one that resembles a club-like atmosphere, complete with a rock group. Many of the sermons in these types of churches sound like a re-run from a late-night talk show, where the goal is to entertain instead of evangelize and equip. When you attend Temple, you will find fervent Bible preaching, revival singing, and a desire to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with a lost and dying world.

Church Service Schedules

Sunday Schools

Join us for Sunday school! All Sunday school services begin at 10:00 am.

Bible Believers Adult Class (Ages: 50+)
Teacher: Houston Dodd

Redeemed Seekers Ladies Class (Ages: 18+)
Teacher: Rennea Hutton

Committed to Grow Class (Ages: 18-50)
Teacher: Pastor Ben Lang

Teen Class (7th - 12th grade)
Teacher: Charlie Houchin

Intermediate Sunday School (Ages: 8-11)
Teacher: Barbara Hopkins

Primary Sunday School (Ages: 4-7)
Teacher: Jessica Brown

First Steps in Faith (Preschool Age)
Teacher: Kathy Jo Middleton

Sunday Services

Nursery is provided for all services for ages 3 and under.

Sunday School Services - 10:00 am

Sunday Morning Service - 11:00 am

Junior Church (Ages: 4-11) - 11:00 am
Teacher: Brian and Melissa Brown

Sunday Evening Service - 6:30 pm

Midweek Services

Do you need a pick-me-up midweek? We do! Join us on Wednesday nights.

Wednesday Night - 6:30 pm
Prayer and Bible Study

Kidventure (Ages: 4-12) - 6:30 pm

What To Expect

Auditorium of Temple

What Are the Services Like?

Every service is focused on the preaching and teaching of God's Word to build a spiritual foundation, encourage growth, and challenge you to a closer walk with Christ. We worship the Lord through traditional hymns and scripture songs. We take great joy in singing God's own words back to Him. As a congregation, we strive to honor God by singing music that aligns with the doctrinal truths from the Bible.


What Bible is Used?

We use the King James Bible for all of the preaching and teaching. We believe the Word of God to be the Only Authority for our faith and practice. Our members carry their own Bible to each service; however, we do also provide Bibles for those who need them.


Will I Be Asked For Money?

During every service we receive an offering from our members, but we don't expect our guests to put anything in the offering plate. Our members regularly give tithes and offerings to finance the ministries of Temple Baptist. We truly want the service to be our gift to you and want you to feel no obligation to give anything.

Suit and Tie

What Should I Wear?

There is not a dress code at Temple Baptist Church for members or guests. Our ministry leaders and many of our church family dress in more traditional “Sunday” dress; however, our main goal is that you would feel welcome and comfortable on your visit here at Temple Baptist!

Get Directions

Need Directions? We would love for you to join our services.

Directions to Temple

Got Questions?

If there are any questions we still have, please reach out to us.

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